Feelin’ Refreshed

Had a little spa treatment while in Ouray. My face feels better. My soul feels refreshed. Got a text from my brother on Friday that said Arizona clinched the NL West. It was a rather perfect weekend. There was a point when Maggie and I were just sitting on a bench for an hour and a half – just sitting. Neither of us asked what the other was thinking about. Just amazing, comfortable silence. I think you know you really love someone when you can sit in silence and not feel like something needs to be said.

Anyway. We did a “couples” thing at a spa there. It was a little pricey, but worth it. People think we’re older at most places we go. Not that they have a hard time believing we’re college students, but when we say that we’re both 18. Dunno. We’re gifted conversationalist? We probably don’t act like typical 18 year olds, either. Though I don’t know what that means.

Let’s talk about zits. I know what causes acne – biologically, I understand it. It’s all the variables that I think have made me a billboard for teen acne suffering. My face looks better after 2.5 days in Ouray. I just think it was nice to have nothing to study, nothing to think about and nothing or no one to dictate where I had to be and when. All those stresses probably make for a very acne prone complexion. This weekend I was having none of it.

This week, however? Gonna be a beast. A couple big tests on Thursday and Friday, so I’ll be studying daily and nightly. Also, I’ve got a couple shifts at the old workplace. Going to give them two weeks notice after working there for 2 weeks. If they don’t need it, I’ll bail after this one. Just can’t be competing for 10 hours a week. Yep. Just felt a zit starting to push on my chin.

A Little Weekend Jaunt to Cure Some Zits

Mags and I are gonna take a little weekend trip. Nothing like enjoying the first weekend of fall with a little jaunt into the mountains. There’s a little town north of here, north of Silverton called Ouray. We keep hearing about it, so we’re gonna check it out. It’s actually not far from the famed Telluride, but to get to Telluride, you gotta go over or around some ridiculously imposing mountains.

Anyway, this little town, which is pronounced U-Ray, is referred to as the Switzerland of America. We’re gonna head over, crash at a bed and breakfast and take in some hot spring action. If you’ve never been to a natural hot spring, I highly recommend it. The earth’s geothermal activity is quite fascinating, and it makes for a most perfectly lazy day. We’ve done the hot springs near Durango called Trimble Hot Springs, but I dunno, I just like the idea of being nestled in these mountains. So cool.

As is obvious, I’m not scheduled to work this weekend. Gonna have to remedy this situation when I get back. I’m sure the level of attrition at some of these local places is high due to the fact that they carry so many on staff. If they carried fewer, I think they’d have a more reliable workforce. It’s like my buddies who always worked at Abercrombie, Hollister, Old Navy…I remember one day I stopped by to see a friend at Abercrombie and his manager was telling him to go on break. While we were at lunch, he says, “My manager doesn’t even know my name…I keep waiting for her to address me by name, but she never does.”

Digressing. I’ve got a lead on this place I’ve been going to watch the Cardinals play on Sunday, that maybe they need a bar back. You only have to be 18, and you get a little cut of tips. Perhaps I need to stick to the automotives. Maggie even suggested I start my own detailing service in town. I dunno. What I do know is that right after class tomorrow, we’re hitting the road! And I know my zits are not going to appreciate me for it. Because I’m going to dismiss them from attendance come this weekend.

Peace out, playas and playettes. Some special sauce next week!