Everything Feels Weird

It’s Monday, and there’s no school. No school for the foreseeable future. The thought of stepping back into the halls means that I need to get crack-a-lackin’ in terms of choosing a college for the furtherance of my formal education. Today, I am making it a goal to have my college choices narrowed down to the top three by the beginning of the school year.

So, what am I up to today? Just chillin’. We’ll be practicing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and a pre-game/tourney walk through on Friday to get ready for the weekend tournament. It’s in Flagstaff, so the temperatures will be significantly cooler. I feel pretty chill right now, but I’m sure when the competition begins I’ll be nervous as all get out. I hope my first opportunity to catch a ball comes over the shoulder – something that I can go after as opposed to coming at me hard like a quick slant or inside read. I can just see the ball going straight through my nervous hands and hitting me in the face.

What else am I up to? I’ve already iced my neck BRIT twice today. That sucker still hurts, but I think the ice is helping. It doesn’t look like a zit, it looks like a really bad bruise and hurts like a bruise. Talk about an annoying habit to have whenever you have acne issues. Other than that, though, my skin has been pretty great on the scale of FMyZits. To a zit-less brother or sister, it might be more, “OMG, my face is totally breaking out!!!” But I’m cool with it. So long as there’s nothing actively looking to erupt, I consider it a calm, acnegraphic environment.

In less than a week, I’ll be in Madison, WI. Crazy to think. I’m so excited. Haven’t had much of a chance to rap with Mags yet. She’s working, and playing hard – end of school year stuff for her, too. It’ll be fun to meet some of her friends this summer, and maybe that one douche ex-boyfriend will mouth off if we’re ever in mixed company. Not to say I’ll start anything, but I might just finish something once and for all. I could be like the dude who drops the smack, and then pops a zit on my defeated foe. Hahahahaa… The mark of shame!


I was wrong. Kobe was Kobe.

I have a neck zit that is killing me. When I get nervous or stressed out, I pinch myself right at the back of my jawbone. Yeah, I dunno either… completely strange, right? Last night I kept doing it, and my buddy who was with me had permission to smack me every time he caught me. Bad decision on my behalf. Regardless, right there where I couldn’t stop pinching myself, monster undergrounder developing. What I’m calling a BRIT. Bruise-Zit.

So. The game. Honestly, it was pretty exciting, but infuriating for a fan. I prefer college basketball to pro, just because they go harder. Their effort is more sustained, and they most often play better team ball. What I saw from our Suns last night for the final 7 minutes, I thought we could beat anyone, but it was too-little, too-late. At the very least, I got to see Kobe be Kobe. My dad was telling me when I got home, that he remembered Jordan doing that to us back in the 90s, when Barkley and KJ and all the Suns “legends” were trying to get the job done. I never got to really see Jordan play in his prime. I “watched,” but I didn’t really SEE, if that makes any sense. It makes sense to my neck BRIT, cause I can feel it throbbing now.

Anyway, I think Jordan and Bryant are those two guys who can just take over. LeBron isn’t there yet, and according to my pops, if he doesn’t develop his jump-shot, “he ain’t never gonna get there…” Even though we lost, I had a lot of fun! School is out, I’m officially moving on to be a senior in high school, and the month of June is quite promising, perfect and primed for chillaxation. It’s getting hot here already, so it’ll be nice to be in a summer place without 100 degree temps. Then again, don’t know how I’ll feel about the humidity. Might have to wear Nike Dri-Fit shirts round the clock. And yes, I have like…a very legitimate concern about my face. Guess we’ll see what happens. For the time being, I’m gonna ice this neck monster.

Noticed that Julianne Hough is yet another Proactiv spokesperson. Maybe I should stop lying and stating that I’ve tried the stuff, and actually try it for a month or two?

Am I Excited?

I’m goin’ to the game! What do you think?

I apologize that I’ve been out of touch for a couple of very important days. I’m actually about to go out and celebrate with some friends and all our families, but thought I’d offer an end of the year/thanks for reading post. It has been a ride these few months, hasn’t it? I can’t believe how fast everything has gone by, and everything that has happened.

Today was the last day of school, and the day we were to turn in our journals for the English class. I played it up very dramatically and told my teacher, “I don’t have a notebook.” She looked at me in horror – like she didn’t know what she would do. I just handed her a piece of paper that said fmyzits.com, then I sat down. She furrowed her brow and went straight to her computer.

I didn’t miss a movement. I could see her bring it up, and she just started laughing. I could tell she was trying to quickly cycle through the posts, but about 2 minutes later, she stood up and glanced in my direction (everyone else was busy talking and socializing about this evening’s plans) then she went to the whiteboard and wrote “A”… I just smiled and nodded, as she turned toward me and gave a thumbs up. After class I swung by and told her to check out the whole thing, and she said, “I’ll have it read by Sunday.” And if you’re reading this, thanks for a great year. I learned a lot.

So, this game tomorrow. Apparently all my family members tried to come up with a great “congrats on a great year” gift, and after pooling some resources, I’m going to the Suns game tomorrow to see them extend the series to a game 7. Yep. I’m saying it. If I’m wrong, who gives a crap, but I’m not.

My face, which had kind of been a mess the last week or so, has been angelic these last few days. Seriously, I haven’t had any new problematic developments. Of course I’ve got zits. I think that’s a given, but I think I’ve been expelling enough energy to keep everything at bay.

Next weekend is the 7 on 7 tourney, and then the day after I’ll be heading out to Madison. Yep, I totally screwed up all my dates, but fortunately, my mom is on top of everything! So, We play on the 5th and 6th, and on Monday the 7th, I’m leaving. I was trying to get there as soon as possible, but that was too soon…

OK. Gotta run, but I’ll offer something tomorrow! Have a great weekend, zit lovers.

No Public Appearances


I tested well this weekend. Past weekend. And the Suns actually found some fuel for the fire. I’ll be honest, I’m an optimist, but I thought we might be done after two very disappointing 4th quarters in Los Angeles. Either way, the weekend was full of enough stress that apparently my hormones were running wild. It’s really late, and I’m just getting around to blogging today. I didn’t go to school today, because of another 3rd eye. Honestly, enough is enough!!!

I watched movies all day, and then after school was out, I kind of meandered over to the school grounds and slipped into the weight room for off season workouts. Nobody said anything. A couple guys asked where I was, and I just mentioned that didn’t feel well earlier in the day. I know that probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s a big no no to skip school/miss school and then participate in extra-curricular activities.

Sorry, but right now, during the last week of school, football is more important than the brainy stuff. And really, football is the brainy stuff at this juncture. Woo hoo! I just used juncture in a sentence. .

I love how many times I’ve implicated myself in this blog. I’m too honest, I suppose. I just know that my third eye wasn’t something I could deal with at school. The thing hurts, like so bad in the mornings that it throbs with every heartbeat. And we’re prepping for a 7 on 7 flag football tournament, so I had to be there. Hear that? Had to. It’s justified!

Ask me how excited I am to head over to Madison? Yeah, totally. I’m just hopeful that my skin clears up a bit when I’m there. For Maggie’s sake. I’m sure with things being more relaxed, I’ll rid myself of some of the zits. I am going to miss my mom’s galvanic spa, but maybe I’ll read up on something else that I can try. Any suggestions? Here’s something that I heard recently that I found quite disturbing.

I was talking with a friend of mine about zits and the likes, and he was telling me that he uses a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol on his face. I thought he was full of crap. There’s no way that can be good for your skin. I read up on it, and yeah, it’s terrible. I asked him if he only used it as a spot treatment – nope, he was washing his face with it nightly. Good grief. I felt better about myself, but really concerned for others dealing with the same problems.

Dang it All to Hades

Actually, I’m not that upset. But c’mon. What the heck happened last night in that game? We were locked up after 3!?

I woke up this morning with a zit on my chin that truly added injury to insult. Freakin’ Lakers. I still feel like we have a shot in the series, but if Stoudemire doesn’t step up, and take it personal that Pau Gasol is making him looking like the worst defensive player ever, we’re screwed. We’re doubly screwed if Lamar Odom continues to play the way he has, and is capable.

I wonder if the city of Los Angeles is going to allow the Lakers to come play us at home? Since they’ve boycotted Arizona due to our immigration law, that not all of us necessarily agree with. That really pisses me off. These “public servants” in high office aren’t really thinking about the public, are they? “Hey, let’s punish everyone in the state of Arizona because of a law they had nothing to do with!” That makes a heckuvalotta sense to me.

Great. I think I just felt another zit rise to the surface.

There’s really nothing else to talk about. Oh. I am taking the ACT on Saturday morning, and feel as prepared as I can. I could probably use some more advanced math, but for what is supposedly on the test, I should be more than OK. Math isn’t something I enjoy, but when I’m patient with the problem solving I generally do it right.

So. One more week, and we’z out of school. It’s gonna suck if the Suns can’t extend the series. No late night basketball bashes followed by pranks. No, I couldn’t score any tickets to the game this weekend. I guess I’ll keep looking for a miracle on Craigslist or something, but I’ll probably just chill, watch the game, then tune into the finale of LOST. The only thing that would make this post more appropriate would be the Led Zeppelin classic, “Ramble On,” playing in the background.

I’m getting excited to get through this month, and get over to Madison for some early summer fun, but before I go, I think I may have a job hook-up from a friend who is graduating. A buddy of mine works at IKEA in Tempe, and he’s going to introduce me to his manager before I apply online. He’s planning to leave for college around the same time I’m hoping to pick up some weekend hours. We’ll see what happens.

May the Suns Rise

That’s really corny, huh? May the Suns rise?

I’m just pumped about the series that starts tonight. Everyone at school, including most of the teachers, are today. I kind of had a mini-breakout, as in a few more zits joined the ones I already had. My body must be really sensitive to my anxiety, excitement and all that stuff. It’s just kind of goofy that an NBA series would make me nervous. But I’m nervous. I am. What are you going to do?

My cousin was remarking how lucky we are to have an NBA franchise in our city. His closest cheering options are to choose from the Chicago Bulls or Minnesota Timberwolves. Obviously, he considers himself a Bulls fan, but says he’s a true Suns fan through blood relation. Yeah, he’s weird like me. I’m going to try and find some tickets to Game 3 or 4, though I’m sure they’ll be out of any range that my Dad would ever pay. And I just don’t have any cash flow right now, so…

Yep. Tonight. Suns vs. Lakers. I know you’ll be watching, too!

Summer Plans

I didn’t mention last week what I have decided. I’m going to Madison for the month of June. My uncle said I could pretty much work as much or as little as I wanted at his lot, and that his company has a deal with a local gym, so I can get in some great workouts for next to nothing. I’m sure my grandparents will offer to take care of that for me. So, I’ll be able to hang and work with my cousin, spend some time with Maggie and my grandparents, who I love dearly – it should be a really nice beginning to a summer full of…things to come. I tried to word that in a way that it sounded very Tolkien, but I’m in a hurry.

Trying to get this sucker in before I head to lunch.

So. I leave for Wisconsin on Wednesday, June 2nd, and come back on Wednesday, July 7. I’ll start a week of football camp on July 12th, and when I’m back, I’m going to try and find a job that I can hold down for the school year. Even 10-15 hours/week will really help my unknown cause. And yes, I will decide on a college by Christmas. Maybe sooner.

OK. Need to swing by the bathroom for a quick squeeze, then off to enjoy my turkey sub.

GO SUNS!!!!!!!!!

Accutane. Boom. Intestinal Eater.

I knew it.

I wouldn’t touch the shaz.

I knew anything that did what accutane does to your body couldn’t be good for the whole of it. Your skin is an organ. The largest organ of our bodies. Anyway, do you know what I’m talking about? I’m amped. Typing four million miles a minute. This class action lawsuit against Accutane, because it has now been linked to some serious intestinal issues. Crohn’s Disease, which I had to look up. Dang. That’s no joke. Colitis, Rectal bleeding. The list goes on and on. Makes having zits seem like an enjoyable day in the park.

So. Once again, I’ve come full circle on hating my zits. My rite of passage. My character building spots o’ delight.

I researched this Accutane Class Action suit, and apparently, everything was drafted last year, in 2009, and they’ve just recently started advertising nationwide on TV. I caught the ad last night during the Celtics/Cavaliers game, and screamed…and started my research process.

“Mom! See! You’re trying to kill me with that stuff. I thought you loved me!!”

My mom is sensitive, so she didn’t take kindly to me rewinding it on the DVR and playing it over and over. Regardless, in my research I found that they are only interested in those who have had bowel injuries, or illnesses potentially related to Accutane.

I think this is the tip of the iceberg. The scratch on the surface. My Dad was telling me that he had a friend who was on the stuff, and she became like a different person. All depressed. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a feeling it won’t be long before doctors are no longer prescribing the stuff. It just doesn’t seem to make sense to chemically treat something anymore when there are so many more options. When I made that point, my Dad mentioned, “Son, that’s why they call it the practice of medicine.”

That was my epiphany of the week. Seriously. The practice of medicine. Not the perfection of medicine. I’m glad that I put more stock into finding natural cures and aids to problems. They have to be out there. They just do.

Anyway. If you’re reading this, and have been a loyal reader, don’t take Accutane!

Time to Get Serious


I have to make a decision about my summer plans, like yesterday. I can’t believe that everything is on me. At least I’m learning a lesson from it, and am looking into college stuff nightly. It’s handy to be able to “view” schools online, and know if you want to request more information from them or not. All I know. I want that decision out of the way by Christmas, so I can enjoy the things that spin my way next year.

Back to what I was trying to talk about. Summer plans. I have to be around here for off-season workouts. The only mandatory things I need to be around for are our mini-camp in mid-July, and then of course, 2-a-days in August. Gonna be hot as hades out there, but from my understanding, the coaches balance things well with film study and workouts, so we’re never left to fry. Regardless, I think if I’m in superb shape by then, it won’t take such a toll.

Summer Possibilities

I wanted to go over to Madison for several weeks this summer, but I don’t think that’s going to be a possibility. Honestly, if I went for any extended period of time, I would need to work while I was there, or I’d be painfully bored. One of my uncles is a car dealer, and I could probably work at his lot doing menial tasks, etc. So, I honestly need to decide if I’ll go over there in June. Work. Be back after July 4th, find another job here and work while I work-out, do camp and all that stuff. A lot to balance. It’s not like a rec. league team. This is so much more of a commitment.

I wish I could do one of those focus-study groups I always see ads for. I could be the healthy teenager with hormone induced acne, and they could pay me to poke and prod, and I would simply fulfill my requirements while watching TV.

Going in June would mean a few weeks with Maggie, and hanging with my cousin, who I consider one of my best friends. It’s his Dad who owns the lot, so that would mean we’d be working together, too.

On top of it all, I’m taking the ACT next weekend, not this coming, but the one after. So. What does it all mean? Gonna be some serious zits on the horizon. I can feel them down in my bones right now. If you have any Sage advice to offer, I’ll take it now.

Sweep! Sweep!

Dear San Antonio Spurs,

I took great pleasure in seeing yet another example of your demise on Sunday afternoon. From the days when we got screwed into losing Amare Stoudemire to a one game suspension to Mr. Tim Duncan getting lucky and hitting his only 3 of the season, allowing you to advance past us in the playoffs, this most recent sweeping of your overrated butts under the nearest Texas rug was a moment I will always treasure.

You are on the downhill slide, your coach is a jerk, and we’re all still trying to figure out how Tony Parker scored Eva Longoria. In fact, I’m now fairly certain that Eva is tougher than Tony, as well as most of your aging veterans.

For a lesson in toughness, which may help you from being swept in the future, please see Steve Nash’s profile at NBA.com. Sure, he took Duncan’s bony elbow to the eye, but like a prize fighter, he kept swinging/shooting away, even with swelling that resembled a zit that I woke up with this morning. In closing I would like to say thank you for advancing past the Dallas Mavericks, so we could put the smack down and handle you easily in 4.


F My Zits

P.s. You suck.


I set a goal, and I achieved it. I just kept putting back the bottled water that they had on site, and workin’ that dance floor like the world was coming to an end with the festivity. I pushed through my jacket by 11:00 p.m. When I took it off to grab a little cool and kick it up another notch, you could see through my shirt. Like a wet tuxedo contest. I ditched the cuff links, pushed the sleeves up, added a couple wrist bands, threw on a sweat/headband and continued the mojo.

Prom Drama

My best buddy’s girlfriend totally ditched him during the prom. It was huge. Awful. She was crying. He was crying. Trying to avoid a scene, and the scene. Apparently she had been hanging out with some college dude that she met on her 18th birthday (with the girls). Total BS – busted out the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” Man, I’ve been there. It was amazing in that really sad, teenage movie drama kind of way. I think he was actually kind of happy that she ditched him, because the chick is HIMA. You know HIMA? High-Maintenance? So after the shock of it, he was out there on the floor with me, shedding himself of the shell he knew as his girlfriend and talking about how awesome his summer was going to be. Good for him.

Oh. And do I really have a zit that rivals Steve Nash’s eye? Totally. But it’s on my cheek.

Preppin’ for Prom With Some Poppin’

You know what I’m sayin’?

I just got done doing my spot surgery, and I’m about to hop in the shower for my pre-prom shower, and I thought I’d get a few thoughts down. I’m still buzzing about the Suns win last night. That was amazing. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but I hate the Spurs (yeah, I’ve mentioned it). They’ve beaten us too many times, so I’m hoping that come tomorrow night, we bust out the brooms and head on to the Western Conference Finals.

So this prom thing. As mentioned, I’m getting ready, gonna take a shower, chill for awhile then head over to the establishment at 8:30-9:00. It’s at a hotel, and being 17, even I know that’s the worst idea in the world. I don’t understand why you’d have it at a hotel. Anyway, maybe it’s easier to keep an eye on any of the douche crowd, but I pity those hotel employees. And by that, I mean there are a lot of affluent, entitled butt-holes that go to school with me.

To answer the obvious question: How many zits did I pop? Only about 3. That’s gross. I know. I apologize. Nothing major, and my poor face (I pity it these days apparently) is just exhausted. It needs a vacation. From zits, from me caring about my zits. All that stuff. Regardless, for you sickos that are voyeur-into my acne, I’ve still got plenty to work with.

The more obvious answer/question: Yes. I wish Maggie were here. Of course. I’m bored without the thought of her being here. All my buddies that are getting dinner before the prom–I won’t be joining. So, I’ll be watching TV while they’re doing that. I seem antsy, huh? I don’t know why I am. Oh. What am I wearing. I mentioned it on Thursday/Friday(?), that I’m totally sporting a tux, but it’s a vintage look. No. No ruffled ascot or anything like that. It’s a striped pant with a 3/4, round cut coat, vest, silk ascot. I look good in it. I feel like I need a top hat, but…

I’m out! If I cut out early, maybe I’ll offer an update later tonight, though I’m sure with tuxedos, we’ll need to find an IHOP or something.