As I Reflect on Years 15-18

Taking a class on script analysis. Really interesting. I find it particularly applicable to the many aspects of my present life chapter. I have a birthday this weekend. I will gracefully exiting the “important” teenage years, and I’ve been thinking back to the journey it has been. You can go back to 13, but you’re really such a kid at 13 that it really represents a number with little more significance than saying you’re 13.

I believe the adventure lies between 14-18. It just seems that 19 will be somewhat insignificant. It seems to be the forgotten year within the teenage realm. Correct me if I’m wrong. Do people really talk about when they were 19? I just think this will be the gap between 18-20. Which is appropriate considering all of the planning to take place.

Back to the first paragraph. This analysis. It has been quite an incredible journey. I think there are a lot of things that many would have said no to that I said yes to and I’m very blessed because of it. Not lucky. It’s not like it was without influence and calculated decisions, but ultimately, I chose to say yes to opportunity. And the through-line of this teenage journey has been the same thing that has served as the through-line for this blog…the zits.

I really hope this constant within all the variables is about to change. I would love nothing more than to truly F my Zits into oblivion. The occasional? I’m OK with. The consistency? I’d rather be known as consistent in other areas of life. My current endeavor, and the treatment that I am seeking…well…let’s just say I’m not going to ruin what seems like the beginning of a good thing by jinxing it. Weirdo, party of one. I don’t believe in luck, but I am superstitious. Makes sense, right?

Magic 8 Ball: Will 2012 Bring me Clear Skin?

Outlook hazy. Ask again later.

Just tell me to hose myself, 8 ball. That’s all you really gotta say. Huh. It has been an amazing Christmas season. I’ve spent a lot of time with my little brother the last couple of days. He’s really a cool kid. Getting to that stage of being a young man in terms of mental maturity. Kid is as sharp as a tack. And a smarta** to boot. His Christmas this year was all airsoft gear, so I promised him we’d go to this indoor place in the area before everyone leaves to go back.

That’s what my next few hours are going to consist of. Now I can really tell people that I got shot with an airsoft rifle if they have the brass to ask about my face. Someone will before I leave. I know it. They always do. I get that they’re concerned, but if I haven’t scarred from these freaking face monsters to this point, I don’t think I’m going to. I just don’t have those kinds of zits. Just the ones that are here, then gone, then here again. Then gone.

Maybe getting shot by an airsoft BB will actually scare some of my pimples away. OK. That’s just stupid. I think I’m a little nervous about getting hammered this afternoon by my brother, and a bunch of other little kids. At least I’ve got my dad, cousin and GRANDPA joining in the action.

I’m taking the weekend away from the computer, so I’ll see you all and update you on the Airsoft extravaganza in 2012. Some big things happening, no doubt!

It’s Time to Light the Old Yule Log

Ah yes. There is nothing like lighting the Yule Log. Please enjoy this as much as I do. Listen to it loudly. It is such a fantastic Christmas classic.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

I was chatting with my grandpa, who had never heard this. He’s like a little kid after hearing it. I thought he was going to pee himself he was laughing so hard. Now he’s walking around with his iPhone playing it over and over again. I think he’s trying to memorize it to perform it on Christmas Day. Such a cool guy. We were chatting about the sheer quantity of people who will be on here on Christmas, and he said, “Now you know why we have this house. I told your grandmother that I would never live in a place with more than two bedrooms unless she promised me big parties throughout the year. This will be the biggest and best Christmas yet.”

Doesn’t get better than that from a grandson’s perspective. I just know I need to be like this man when he’s gone someday, and I’m walking in his shoes. That having been said, I’m hopeful to have many more years in his presence. And I agree. I think it will be the biggest and best Christmas yet.


I remember when my little sis couldn’t say family. I know. I know. You thought I was making fun of Asian people whose first language is not English. No, no. If that were the case, I would have used something that possessed the letter L. It’s always good to have the whole family together. Such a great energy. I love this group of people, what can I say? I don’t know if I’ve mentioned in the past two years that we always do our Christmas presents on Christmas Day with everyone there… so literally, everyone brings all of their presents, and I’m telling you, you’ve never seen a stash like this. It’s quite absurd. There are probably 20-25 of us on any given year… plus presents… amazing.

Losing my other grandma earlier this month really got me to thinking about how special these occasions are. When I talk about them, I get that nobody can quite understand what I’m say. The sheer magnitude. AND, the coolest thing for me is that Maggie and her family are all joining us this year. Our parents have become pretty tight due to our relationship, and got each other presents this year, so they’re doing something with Mags Dad’s side of the family on Christmas Eve, which I’m joining for, and then they’re all coming to my grandparent’s place on Christmas morning.

We generally get together mid-morning, rap, play games, watch TV, sports, then have a nice brunch/lunch, lounge for awhile and open gifts. If I’ve offered all this info. before…I’ve just wasted 45 seconds of your time.

Every year someone says something about my complexion, and I snap at them, but I think with Mags being around this year, people will try to embarrass me in other ways. Not humiliate me. Just razz me. I’m looking forward to it.

Christmas Time is Here…

Finals: Complete. Bags: Packed. Girlfriend: Hot.

So. I mentioned a movie and celebration yesterday after Maggie’s final, but when I mentioned a hot shower, I thought of Trimble Hot Springs. Wait. Let me back up. I was going to take a hot shower, then I thought, “I should just take her to the hot springs,” which I did. As a surprise. And it was amazing. I mean amazing. There’s just something so enjoyable about being in the hot springs pools when the weather is like 20 degrees out, and the snow is falling. Come on! Definitely have to do that again. I can’t remember the last time I slept so good.

So. Yep. We’re getting geared up to head out. I’m working tonight, then we’re gonna drive down to Albuquerque tomorrow to fly out. We get into Madison fairly late, but it’s going to give me a few days with my grandparents before the rest of my family gets to town. I’ll also get to spend some time with Maggie’s family, and some of our mutual friends. My cousin is actually going to pick us up from the airport. He is no longer with Maggie’s best friend, but from what I understand, everything was amicable. I know he was totally cool with her being with some other dude that she met this fall, so I guess that’s how life works.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone, and eating and watching bowl games and hopefully winning another Rose Bowl bet vs. Maggie this year. She’s far too loyal to the Badgers.

OK. I gotta put some tinted acne cream on my gaudy zits, and get to work!

I Knew These Zits Meant Something…

I had to turn around and head back to Arizona this weekend. Strange unfolding of circumstances. It was like my body knew it before it happened. My face broke out, pretty bad. Probably all the traveling and excess around Thanksgiving. Wow. Thanksgiving already seems like it was months ago. Last Monday I got a call that my grandma, not the one in Wisconsin – rather Arizona, was not doing very well – turned out that was an understatement. She died later that night.

I pushed through classes M – TR, and then hopped back in the car and went back to Phoenix Thursday afternoon. Maggie had a bunch of stuff planned, and I didn’t want her to cancel, so she stayed. She had met this grandma, but I dunno, I just didn’t see the point of dragging her down there.

So. Now, apparently, my zits are prophetic. When something bad is gonna happen they get gnarly. I get back home, and my little brother says to me, “You look like hell…” Thanks, little man. That’s how it goes, I suppose. The siblings will always tell you the truth as they see it.

Our relationship with this grandma had been a little strained. Very unfortunate, actually. My Dad’s mom. He took it tough. My grandparents divorced when I was really young. My dad kind of took sides. Of course the relationship continued to exist with both parties, but where my grandpa stayed in our lives until he passed away several years ago, my grandma was only here and there. With us going to Wisconsin nearly every Christmas it just offered for a strange dynamic. So. To say the least, I’m sure there’s a boat load of stories that I’ve missed, and the second side to the story of what happened with my pops and grams.

Happy to be back. Ready for finals to begin! Let’s get it on. …and f*** these zits!

Where, Oh Where Have my Little Zits Gone?

Where are they? My zits. I was very confident that upon my indulgence in pie, my zits would push their way back to the surface in full effect. I thought for sure I’d go back to school with a face comparable to an entire activity book full of connect the dots puzzles. This may be the longest my face has ever stayed mildly zitty. Seriously, it’s been several days since it has been what I would consider moderately zitty. I feel like this is such a biological tease – biology being such a b*tch and all. Yeah. I’m on to you, biology. Just like I was on to Derek Anderson last year.

I think my skin is maybe just relieved to be at a little less of an altitude. What is really pretty awesome is the fact that I have been running while I’ve been here, and there really is something to altitude training. I feel like I can fly. Absolutely fly. Those cats who I was neck and neck with last year on the track–I bet I could leave them in the dust at present. Have to continue to enjoy that benefit…though the body becomes accustomed to the consistency of living at high altitudes. Regardless, with steady back and forth, it should be an interesting experiment over the next few years.

I wonder if that’s helping my face. Something to do with my red blood cell count? Crap. Now I’ve triggered an interest to research. That’s something that I’ll have to toss on to Mags. What else is crazy? I’m not asking. I’m gonna tell. We’ve been an item for nearly two years. Honestly, it’s crazy to think about the past two years. And one sweet thing has been there through it all. My sweet, f-able zits.

OH! CRAP! Remember WAY back in the day when I blogged about an ex-girlfriend? Well, we totally bumped into her the other night at a movie theater. She. Um. Has put on a few pounds. I’m not saying she looked bad, but I spotted her after she spotted me, and she tried to act like she didn’t see me. I thought about it for a second, then had to approach her. Cordial. She’s still got it for me. Maggie says so. I asked her if she enjoyed rubbing it in. Yep. So mean spirited. That’s life.

Oh, My Zits. How I’ve Neglected Thee

It has been too long since I’ve offered appropriate props to the disease so known and hated as Acne Vulgaris. It is vulgar. Just nasty.

You ever think about other people with zits? I do. I wonder about the worst case of acne that has ever existed. It’s almost hard to imagine. Just when you think you’ve seen bad acne, you’ll come across something that is ever worse. I’m not going to play the bridge to the links and photos of some of the worst acne ever, but some poor people are literally so infected with acne – and that’s what it is, an infection – that they just won’t go out in public. Instead of skin that is fighting acne it is like the skin has become completely overwhelmed with acne sores. Like, cystic acne sores. It’s really sad. I don’t know what you would do about such a severe problem.

While I’ve become exhausted with my acne at times, I can say that it comes and goes. It’s mild to moderate. It just never really, fully goes away. I can admit that I haven’t really ever offered anything consistent in terms of treatment. I’ll get two weeks in and still be experiencing the same here today, gone tomorrow, back the next day acne that I’ve had for a few years now. Ugh. So annoying that I can really say “a few years now.”

I was talking one of my cousins in L.A. back during March Madness when we went over to catch Arizona…anyway, he was telling me how his cleared up while he was in college – would show from time to time – but then when he was 23, almost 24, he started having problems with mild cystic acne, randomly…all over his face. Great. That’s just great to hear. I asked him what he did to get rid of it, and he said he didn’t mess around – went to a doctor and got a prescription. I’ve been good about going to a doctor, just never good at obeying her orders.

Today. Not too terribly bad. Subsiding again. What can I say? F*** my zits!

Penn State Debacle

I wouldn’t be pertinent if I didn’t sound off from time to time. Wow. What a mess. My dad and I have been saying for years that Joe Paterno needed to step down from his helm as the head of the Penn State football program. Obviously, he overstayed his welcome. I just cannot fathom the nonsense that occurred within the football program’s buildings. I know this Sandusky dude wasn’t on staff when Joe Paterno was alerted to wrongdoing, but this…c’mon…the warning signs had to have been there earlier.

I figure more and more stuff will surface during the upcoming days, weeks, etc. I just can’t believe that no one every went to the police. That grad assistant? Then again, I also can’t imagine walking into the outside of a scene where such acts were committed. I suppose people refer to these things as “unspeakable,” and that’s the problem. That it really is unspeakable. I’m sure Paterno wanted to act like he never heard it when his grad assistant coach reported Sandusky. Anyway. It’s just puts things in perspective. I’m certainly in no mood to complain about my zits today. Which are awful, btw. Just can’t pin these things down. But…not interested in complaining today.

Ultimately, this whole situation and scenario is an absolute debacle. Nobody is going to want to touch this program. The storied Nittany Lions are about to be cellar dwellers for years to come. Years. To come. Bet on it. They’ll need to rely on someone from within the program – an alumni who can take over as head coach and try to rebuild the culture. Actually. Not rebuild. They need to clean slate that program. I really feel for the players. Especially the Freshman. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I were in their shoes. Guess it depends on who’s going to come in, but you’ll have to think that some of the most talented players will look to transfer.

Blogging in Geography

I chose a good day to blog in class. Everyone else is still buried in a quiz that I finished in like 8 minutes. They’re slowly trickling in. I do prefer frequent quizzes and test as opposed to big projects like papers. A lot of reading in this class, but if you actually do it, and cross reference your notes, it’s cake. So. I’m sitting in the back of class with my portable, cranking on the keys. I think I’m annoying some of the people, because this is the only thing you can hear in the classroom…other than some workers in the building who are working on something.

I’ll take a little pause here.

OK. Everyone is now finished with the quiz, and teach is lecturing. Anything you wanna know about the economics of undeveloped/developed Asian world. All I know is that this class makes me wanna travel…like…yesterday. I really wanna go to Thailand. Our professor is a particular fan of Thailand, has been multiple times and says that it’s the one place that he can really get himself to relax like it’s a vacation. Sounds like a plan to me. Personally, I’ve always wanted to visit Fiji. Don’t really have a reason why, other than the fact that the International Date Line makes it the first place to experience each new day. Something cool about that.

Uh-oh. I think teach is on to me. Keeps looking back here. I usually take notes in a notebook, but am trying to act like I’m taking them in this computer…well, I am taking them in a word doc, I’m just jumping back and forth from my effin’ zits to my notes… …AHHHHH!

OK. All is good. He just remarked that I’m quite a typist, and if I’m ever looking to assist someone by taking dictation, I’ve got the job. I told him that I charge per word, and that I’m quite expensive. Laugh from the class. Gonna have to offer him more eye contact now.